Friday, September 26, 2008

Week 3

So I am just pooped at the moment. In about 20 minutes I am planning on passing out and sleeping for a whole 8 hours - yippee! But before I do that, I wanted to write a quick post telling you about my week.

This week has flown faster that any of the other ones. It honestly seems like just a couple of days ago that it was Saturday. I guess this is because things have been very busy with classes all morning and sometimes into the afternoon, random busyness in the afternoon, and something going on almost every night. It has been fun, but a little crazy and I haven't been good about getting enough sleep...which explains my soon to be passed out state, of course.

We have been learning the steps of exegesis for the past 5 days. The staff kept warning us that this would probably not be a week where the lectures would give us God tingles - and they were mostly right. It was a pretty tough week with all of us trying to sort through and make sense of this new process. I have to admit that I still am kind of confused - although hopefully that will be remedied when I actually do our practice exercises. Yes, I have been a bad student, frequently being distracted by the guitar and keyboard downstairs instead of being up in the library with the good students. I've been blaming my buddy Mike. He's a handy scapegoat for the whole college because no matter what the issue is, Mike is usually responsible. So yep, my story is that it's Mike's fault. Next week I plan to spend some time not hanging around Mike and actually get some work done.

We also just started our Emmaus groups, which is KBCTC's version of a small group. I have to say, I don't think I could possibly love my Emmaus group more! We have a range of ages and 3 guys and 2 girls, but I think our personalities work well together and it already feels like a very secure environment. Plus Dave and Gordy, the couple leading our group, are great - and Dave is a nurse, so it's nice to talk about nursing stuff with him! So we are all very excited about that.

And tomorrow we are having half the world over for American pancakes (as opposed to British ones which are like crapes). Ok, we are actually only having about 15-20 people over, but that includes several boys who can each eat more than should be physically possible for any human being. So I imagine I will be making a LOT of pancakes! It should be interesting doing all this in our teensy kitchen and cramming everyone into our living room - but that is what makes it so much fun!

Ok, bedtime now. By the way, my foot swelled up and turned interesting colors (it still has some blue-gray shadows), but I happy to say that it is almost back to normal and I am planning on going for a run tomorrow - yay! I will tell about our pancake breakfast soon. Oh yes, and the picture is of my room. There really isn't much more to it than what you see in the picture, but I don't have much stuff and it is very cute and cozy.

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