Thursday, October 2, 2008

Off for the Weekend

Hey guys!

Just a quick post to let people know that I will be gone for the weekend at a Salt and Light worship conference. I won't be back until Sunday afternoon and may not be skype-able until Monday.

By the way, we had a guy named Tom Sine speak yesterday. Really, really good stuff, although our brains are all about to explode from the influx of new ideas and ways of thinking. He is getting people to re-think a lot about how we do Church and Christian community. Good stuff. I haven't read any of his books yet, but I plan to and I would recommend other people to also (yes Dad, that means you - you know you want to!)

Ok, gotta polish off my exegesis steps which are due today. Not much more to do!


Unknown said...

Hi Hannah, I do have the lastest book by Tom Sine, "The New Conspirators". I'll read it with you. Have a great weekend. Can't wait to hear all about it. Love Dad

Hannah said...

Oh Dad, I should have guess that you would already have the book...and have not read it yet! :) We'll talk about it soon. Love you! ~ Hannah